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Cognitive Behavioral Theory Essay
Subjective conduct treatment (CBT) is a present moment, issue focused treatment that is utilized to address psychopathology inside the indiv...
Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Systemic Lupus Erythmatosus Essay example - 1364 Words
Lupus is a chronic inflammatory disease that occurs when your body’s immune system attacks your own tissues and organs. The inflammation caused by lupus can affect many body systems including the following: joints, skin, kidneys, blood cells, heart and lungs. Lupus occurs more frequently in women than in men. There are four different types of Lupus that exist. They are Systemic lupus erythematosus, Discoid lupus erythematosus, Drug-induced erythematosus, and Neonatal lupus. The most common and most serious type is Systemic lupus erythematosus. Previously the outlook for people with lupus was grim, but diagnosis and treatment of lupus has improved quite a bit. With proper treatment, most people can lead happy and active lives. This†¦show more content†¦Lupus is a very complex disease that requires knowledge and awareness on the part of the doctor and good communication from the patient. There is no single test that can determine if a person has lupus. Several laboratory tests can help a doctor confirm the diagnosis of SLE or rule out other causes for the person’s symptoms. The ANA (antinuclear antibody) test is commonly used. This test looks for antibodies that react against the components of the nucleus of the body’s cells. The doctor can also order a biopsy of the kidney’s or the skin if those body parts are affected. The doctor can also order a test for anticardiolipin antibodies. If the person is found to have these than they are at an increased risk for blood clotting and there is an increased risk of miscarriages for pregnant women. Other testing that may be done is a complete blood count, urinalysis, blood chemistries, and erythrocyte sedimentation rate test (a test that measures inflammation). In order for a doctor to diagnose you with SLE, you must have 4 out of 11 typical signs of the disease. SLE may alter the results of the following tests: Antithyroglobulin antibody, Antithyroid microsomal antib ody, Complement components (C3 and C4), Coombs’ test-direct, Cryoglobulins, ESR, Kidney function blood tests, Liver function blood tests and Rheumatoid factor. (Makeover, 1997) There are no two cases of SLE that are like. Symptoms may come on suddenly or develop slowly. The symptoms may be mildShow MoreRelated Lupus Essay1079 Words  | 5 Pages Lupus Definition of the Disease Lupus is a chronic inflammatory disease of unknown cause that can affect virtually any part of the body. The medical term for Lupus is Systemic Lupus Erythematosus or better known as SLE. With Lupus there is a malfunction in some of the cells of the immune system. quot;In Lupus, the body overreacts to an unknown stimulus and makes to many antibodies, or proteins directed against body tissue. Thus, Lupus is called an autoimmune disease. †# Myth/Reality StatementsRead MoreA Woman Doing Life : Notes From A Prison For Women1320 Words  | 6 PagesGeorge was diagnosed with systemic lupus erythmatosus (SLE). Upon her arrival to Fluvanna George reported to the medical staff that she had SLE but it was never written on her medical profile until she had a freak accident. While in the shower George lupus symptoms attacked her and she fell and injured herself in the shower. When she was seen by the prison s doctor they did not believe she had lupus because the doctor declared that only African Americans can get lupus. George s medical case still
Monday, December 16, 2019
The Things They Carried By Tim O Brien - 1819 Words
Tim O’Brien’s novel, The Things They Carried, is a novel that is seemingly separated yet completely connected throughout. As explained in an interview with Tim O’Brien, The Things They Carried â€Å"is part novel, part collection of stories, part essays, part journalism; it is, more significantly, all at the same time†(Naparsteck 1). Although seemingly complex, this novel is built so expertly that it is quite easy to understand. Every chapter seems to offer a new variable or outlook on the war in Vietnam seen through the eyes of one soldier, Tim O’Brien, and experiences with soldiers he was close to. Every chapter offers a new look into different relationships: past and present, which offers insight into the mind of one soldier and his†¦show more content†¦Tim O’Brien outlines throughout the course of the novel a picture of what a true war story is and the characteristics thereof. First, it must be understood what O’Brien con siders a true war story to be before it can be deduced how this coincides with interactions with soldiers in the Vietnam War and other wars as well. In The Things They Carried, O’Brien points out that â€Å"in any war story, but especially a true one, it’s difficult to separate what happened from what seemed to happen†(67). There is a stricken difference between the story-truth and happening-truth in war stories. The happening-truth is usually what is left out in a true war story, as the happening-truth is usually extremely hard to hear or unrelated to the correlated emotions to the story. Conversely, there is the story-truth, which soldiers use to help the reader or listener â€Å"feel what [they] felt†(O’Brien 171). Tim O’Brien’s The Things They Carried â€Å"[addresses] the divergence of values – the contradiction between a standard of literary authenticity and the project of moral evaluation†(Wesley 2). This gives a more in depth representation as to what a true war story is and what the novel represents. This journal on The Things They Carried also points out that â€Å"by abandoning literary realism, [the novel] comes closer to presenting a polemic vision that insists on the problematic nature of the
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Public Revenue Reporting and Monitoring free essay sample
Reporting and Monitoring The main sources of public revenue are: ? Taxes and levies such as for e. g. income tax, property tax, sales tax, license fees, import and export duties, levies charged for services etc ? ? Earnings from natural resources like oil, gas, minerals etc ? ? ? Loans from other governments, the private sector, or international financial institutions like the International Monetary Fund, World Bank and regional ? development banks that must eventually be repaid with interest; and ? Grants-in-aid from other governments, multilateral institutions, international donors, foundations, NGOs or private sector actors, often earmarked for particular humanitarian or development purposes.? ? Public reporting and monitoring involves three components: 1. Component one: Revenue transparency/reporting Governments release or publish financial information through various avenues such as web sites, financial statements and reports, press releases, public bulletin boards, community ra dio etc. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? A first step for concerned citizens/CSOs is to determine what types of revenue reports are publicly available. We will write a custom essay sample on Public Revenue Reporting and Monitoring or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page ? Request copies of these reports while keeping records of all correspondence. ? Where access to revenue reports is limited, work towards the adoption of right to information legislation including access to public financial information. ? Partner and build coalitions with sympathetic government officials, concerned NGOs, relevant international bodies and the media to encourage revenue transparency/reporting. Find out and discuss how the government itself views its revenue base and what plans or strategies it has in place regarding taxes, revenues from natural resources, loans, grants, etc. ? If possible, take a deeper look at each slice of the revenue pie. Consider how important, effective and reliable each one is as a revenue source in terms of their sustainability and equitability. ? ? 3. Component two: Monitoring revenues from natural resources Revenues from natural resources such as oil, gas and minerals are an important source of income for the governments of in many developing countries. When properly managed, these revenues can serve as a valuable source of funds poverty reduction, economic growth and sustainable development. Unfortunately, this is often not the case as the lack of transparency and strong regulatory institutions has led to large scale abuse of funds and corruption. Companies in the extractive industry make payments directly to governments in the form of royalties, bonus payments and taxes providing the state with an independent source of funds unlike taxes which are citizen-dependent. Citizens often have little or no access to information about these payments, because contracts with extractive industry companies are customarily shrouded in mutual confidentiality clauses forbidding either party from disclosing information without permission of the other. In the economies of resource rich countries, these revenues reduce the need for taxation and thereby eliminate a key motivator for citizens scrutiny of public finances. They also give governments ample resources to buy political support through patronage and legislatures often have little or no budget oversight. This partly explains the poor development outcomes in resource rich countries. In this context, an immediate high priority is to improve the quality and public disclosure of data on resource revenue transactions. When armed with the information of how much money the government is receiving from natural resource revenues, citizens can demand accountability and monitor how the money is spent. The case Studies described in the succeeding of this article such as the Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative and the Publish What You Pay Campaign demonstrate the nature of a number of initiatives that have been launched to help CSOs in conjunction with government and private sector companies, to enhance the public transparency of natural resource revenues. . Component three: Monitoring government borrowing and aid Many developing countries depend on external loans or grants as a major source of revenue. In order to ensure such sources of revenue are justly and equitably used, it is important for citizens and civil society groups to track the source and amount of international aid as well as how the money is being used. When governments borrow money, they add up to the public debts which must event ually be repaid often with interest. It is therefore important for citizens to be aware of the extent of public debt as well as the conditions attached to loan agreements. Grants are also an important source of government revenue in some countries and can make an important contribution to development. However, aid can also have negative effects, especially if it is not monitored properly or is used in ways that do not benefit people living in poverty. Such efforts should reinforce and complement the monitoring carried out by donors.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Universe Existence Essays - Black Holes, , Term Papers
Universe Existence The oldest profession in the world is not what would be commonly accepted in society. Before a woman had a chance to sell her body, people looked up at the stars and wondered what they were. They made figures out of the shapes they made. As we advanced through scientific research many other doors opened that allowed us to see what it was the earth is existing in. Our constant need to explain what is happening comes from our want to control. Knowledge is power, and nothing is more unexplained that the universe. Time is interlocked and must be understood if we want to accomplish a deep knowledge of the cosmos. Commonly it was thought that there was no such knowledge. The author Stephen Hawking had shown many otherwise. His books give a deep history and knowledge of how the universe exists. He also explains many others aspects of the cosmos and puts his works in an understandable writing style. He puts the largest accent on his studies of black holes. These are fascinating happening and the way to understanding the universe and several others can be found through the study of black holes. There are several features of black holes that makes them incredibly fascinating. The first one would be the common misconception of how noting can escape a black hole. This is true in most points. If nothing can escape them, how does one detect a black hole? Stephen Hawking discovered a fascinating aspect using anti-particle properties. He found that when matter is pulled into a black hole by gravity matter is constantly being pulled apart. This causes the anti-parties of matter to be throw away at incredible rates. This happens at consistent times. The large amount of gamma radiation let off by this is how Mr. Hawking now finds black holes. Another interesting concept of black holes is they are can be formed other ways than by the end of a star's life. Stephen Hawking and his associates found that any nuclear explosion can cause the birth of a black hole. Hawking stated that is all the "heavy water", a component used in nuclear weapons, was used to create a nuclear explosion a black hole the size of earth would be created. He also stated no one would be around to witness the creation. It would have been caused by the implosion of earth at a massive rate and the amount of energy produced by the nuclear explosion. This had me wondering. Stephen Hawking also stated that is a black how small enough not to disturb the orbit of earth existed close enough to earth that it's power could be harnessed to produce huge amounts of energy. This made me wonder if the same concept could be used, except with all the wastes materials on earth. I do not know the exact physics of it all, but from Mr. Hawking explanations it seemed like it might work. Black holes were also explained by Stephen Hawking as how they transcended time. Apparently the massive gravitational pull creates a rip in the space-time continuum. It is unknown what happens to matter when it is pulled into a black time wise. All matter will be ejected into space eventually as the black hole loses itself. The smaller a black hole, the more matter is ejected. It may be an odd happening, but because of the larger black holes are harder to detect than smaller black holes. Mr. Hawking stated of how if an astronaught gets pulled into a black hole the tidal forces would stretch him into a long piece of spaghetti like person. However, his life would not end in the black hole. Given enough time he would be eventually ejected into space as particles. All matter in a black hole will eventually be lost into space. The smaller a black hole is, the more matter is lost by the black hole. Stephen Hawking explained what is thought to have happened to a black hole when all its matter is lost. The hole in the space-time continuum would collapse and an explosion as massive as on of a supernova would happen. It would leave the tear in time. I wondered when the explosion would happen? Would it happen now, or ten to trillions of years from when it actually collapses. The tear in time where would it exist? Until an actual black hole is found close enough to us I suppose these questions will remain uninsured. Stephen Hawking explains many other aspects of
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